Walk for Recovery

We want to promote a wonderful activity that is happening on Saturday, September 16th; MN Recovery Connection’s Walk for Recovery. P.E.A.S.E. Academy has registered its own walking team. We would love for as many students, parents, family, and friends to walk with our team. All those participants who sign up for the P.E.A.S.E. Academy team

Pancake Breakfast

8th Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser.  $6 all you can eat pancakes.  Juice, sausage, and coffee also served.   8 a.m. – 12 p.m., with a student sharing her/his experience, strength, and hope at 10:00 a.m.  All proceeds go directly to the PEASE Academy Prom, the best recovery prom in the country.  It’s also an excellent time to


Harvest Festival Fundraiser

15th Annual Harvest Festival Community Dinner and Fundraiser. For the past fourteen years, this evening promises to be very special. We highlight a few of our students and their stories, hear a parent's perspective, and enjoy a wonderful meal as a community. This wonderful event helps support the P.E.A.S.E. Community Foundation which directly supports P.E.A.S.E.

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