Our Vision

The P.E.A.S.E. community is the recognized adolescent recovery center of excellence and is a highly valued and sought-after partner for families, educational organizations, and other stakeholders in the adolescent recovery community.

Our recognized expertise allows for abundant funding ensuring ample support for all we serve.

The emerging adults we support in recovery are highly regarded candidates for colleges, trades and professional organizations.

Our Mission

To support the P.E.A.S.E. community through efforts and benchmarking targeted at:

  1. Driving initiatives that strengthen P.E.A.S.E. Academy’s enrollment and excellence in education and adolescent recovery support.
  2. Increasing awareness of, and participation in, P.E.A.S.E. community including its role and impact throughout our region’s recovery community to promote.
  3. Expanding relationships with other recovery organizations through shared insight, guidance and funding.
  4. Broadening the P.E.A.S.E. community relationships through an expanded board of directors, corporate sponsorships, and grants.
  5. Building our organization’s expertise in understanding and supporting

“Early in recovery, P.E.A.S.E. was a wonderful way to learn how to live sober. I got the accountability and support I needed. My community at P.E.A.S.E. was more of a family than anything else, and I’m so grateful to have had that experience.”

2017 Grad | Abbey




We take pride in providing a safe, sober learning environment for students which fosters accountability, academic success, and a positive peer community. 


Parents can experience renewed hope through a unique blending of their student’s recovery and educational journey. 


Our teachers and staff provide healthy mentoring and stability promoting student achievement and positive self-worth. 


The community of peers, teachers, administrators, and a board provides a nurturing environment for students to thrive in their sobriety and offers an immediate bond with peers.